
Utilizing Akron Parks Collaborative as a fiscal sponsor
APC can support Friends Groups by:
  • Serving as their nonprofit 501(c)3 fiscal agent, which allows all donations to be tax deductible and meets the fiscal sponsorship requirement on many grant opportunities
  • Providing a platform to accept donations
  • Dispersing funds as needed
  • Offering pricing information about specific projects to help determine the amount of funding needed
  • Acting as a liaison to the city if the project requires approval
Friends Groups can meet with APC to receive guidance when developing plans for fundraising. Common discussion points and partnership opportunities include:
  • What is the project/initiative that requires fundraising?
  • Who is involved?
  • How long will the project/initiative take to complete?
  • How much funding is needed?
  • How will the fundraiser be promoted?
  • What does success look like?
  • How can APC offer support beyond acting as the FG’s fiscal agent?
As a reminder, the City of Akron must approve park improvements. APC will consult with the city to ensure approval is granted before fundraising begins.
2023 © Akron Parks Collaborative. All Rights Reserved.
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